Monday, February 14, 2011

Water Fasting: Natural Remedy for Various Chronic Diseases

We understand that fasting is nature's way of allowing your body to cleanse and heal itself, and that rest is paramount to the success of the process. One good example of fasting is losing appetite when we feel very sick. Most of us will just lie down for hours or days, without eating anything until we have substanially recuperated. In fact, water fasting has been discovered to help cure and prevent a number of disease conditions. Even experts found a number of interesting clinical trials and studies of what water fasting can do to promote wellness and good health.

Supervised fasting
Supervised Fasting

However, there are many inaccurate stories that leads to misinformation. And those are some of the reasons why we normally think fasting will injure our body. Though they are few and far between, water fasting has some potential dangers. If not properly supervised, the practice will certainly result to lowered blood pressure, lowered body temperature, and coated tongue.

The effects of fasting is not inherently a problem but instead, it can be a start of a healthier lifestyle if maintained properly. Undergoing a supervised program in fasting retreats guarantees the blood pressure to drop. And for almost half the population of Americans, this is definitely not a bad news. Fifty percent of the population in the United States is suffering from high-blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke. And these are also some of the primary causes of death of most Americans.

While most of us can undergo a supervised program from fasting retreats, there are few who can't because of some special conditions:

* People who are starving
* Anorexic or bulemic
* Pregnant, diabetic women
* Nursing mothers
* Severe anemia
* Those with Porphyria

The benefits of water fasting has become increasingly evident resulting to thousands of fasting retreats anywhere around the world. Fasting retreats provides beautiful, clean, quiet, and comfortable surroundings that foster the deep rest and introspection that allow for true healing to occur. These centers are renowned to offer services that can help cure various chronic cardiovascular disease and congestive heart failure. And also reduces, triglycerides, atheromas, total cholesterol and increases HDL Levels.

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